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Impact Investment Principles

For many years, philanthropy and investing have been thought of as separate disciplines—one championing social change, the other financial gain. The idea that the two approaches could be integrated in the same deals—in essence, delivering a financial return while doing good—struck most philanthropists and investors as far-fetched.

advantages of impact investing
impact investing

Impact Investments


Impact investments are defined as investments made into companies, organizations, and funds with the intention to generate social or environmental impact alongside a financial return.

While this definition leaves room for a broad set of investments, two key elements should be present: intentionality and measurement. The investor’s intention should include some element of both social impact and financial return. And while there is more consensus on metrics for financial return on investment (ROI), an impact investor should also aim to measure the social impact.

In essence, all investments make an impact on society; some positive, some negative. Impact investors intentionally pursue investments that lead to measured positive social impact (for the purposes of this guide, we include environmental impact in the broader header of social impact).

There are two sides of any impact investing deal: the impact investor and the impact investee. The goal is for both sides to benefit.

Impact Investor: Impact Investee:

Investments made with the intention A mission-driven organization

to generate measurable social impact (for-profit, nonprofit, or hybrid) with a

alongside a financial return. market-based strategy

impact investment principles

Finding one’s place along the spectrum is a key consideration for any impact investor. At the far left, one motivated primarily by social impact might make a low interest loan or recoverable grant to a charity. At the other end, a financially driven approach might lead to an equity investment in a public company based on its integration of corporate social responsibility (CSR).

Impact investments can be as straightforward as banking with a community-based financial institution that helps to expand economic opportunities for low-income stakeholders, or supporting entrepreneurs in the developing world through a microfinance fund.

Some of these types of investment, for example, solar power, have been around for decades.

Impact investments can also be incredibly complex, sometimes creating new financial vehicles or new types of arrangements between partners. These pioneering deals—which could include infusing capital into startup social enterprises, for example, or investing in pay-for-success contracts—often require expert advice, especially for newcomers.

The 9 Impact Investment Principles

The Impact Principles are a framework for investors for the design and implementation of their impact management systems, ensuring that impact considerations are integrated throughout the investment lifecycle. They may be implemented through different types of systems, each of which can be designed to fit the needs of an individual organization. They do not prescribe specific tools and approaches, or specific impact measurement frameworks. The expectation is that industry participants will continue to learn from each other as they implement the Impact Principles.

The Impact Principles are scalable and relevant to all types of impact investors and sizes of investment portfolios, asset types, sectors, and geographies. The Impact Principles may be adopted at the corporate, line of business, fund, or investment vehicle level. Asset managers with a diverse set of investment products may decide to adopt the Impact Principles for only specific funds or vehicles that they consider impact investments and need not adopt the Impact Principles for the entirety of their assets. As well, asset owners that invest in bonds, funds, and other investment vehicles may apply the Impact Principles to their own investment processes. The Impact Principles do not have to be followed by the investee company, fund, or asset.

The way in which the Impact Principles are applied will vary by type of investor. Asset owners and their advisors may use them to screen impact investment opportunities. Asset managers may use the Impact Principles to assure investors that impact funds are managed in a robust fashion.


The Manager shall define strategic impact objectives for the portfolio or fund to achieve positive and measurable social or environmental effects, which are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), or other widely accepted goals. The impact intent does not need to be shared by the investee.

The Manager shall seek to ensure that the impact objectives and investment strategy are consistent; that there is a credible basis for achieving the impact objectives through the investment strategy; and that the scale and/or intensity of the intended portfolio impact is proportional to the size of the investment portfolio.


The Manager shall have a process to manage impact achievement on a portfolio basis. The objective of the process is to establish and monitor impact performance for the whole portfolio, while recognizing that impact may vary across individual investments in the portfolio. As part of the process, the Manager shall consider aligning staff incentive systems with the achievement of impact, as well as with financial performance.


The Manager shall seek to establish and document a credible narrative on its contribution to the achievement of impact for each investment. Contributions can be made through one or more financial and/or non-financial channels. The narrative should be stated in clear terms and supported, as much as possible, by evidence.


For each investment the Manager shall assess, in advance and, where possible, quantify the concrete, positive impact potential deriving from the investment. The assessment should use a suitable results measurement framework that aims to answer these fundamental questions:

(1) What is the intended impact?

(2) Who experiences the intended impact?

(3) How significant is the intended impact?

The Manager shall also seek to assess the likelihood of achieving the investment’s expected impact. In assessing the likelihood, the Manager shall identify the significant risk factors that could result in the impact varying from ex-ante expectations.

In assessing the impact potential, the Manager shall seek evidence to assess the relative size of the challenge addressed within the targeted geographical context. The Manager shall also consider opportunities to increase the impact of the investment. Where possible and relevant for the Manager’s strategic intent, the Manager may also consider indirect and systemic impacts. Indicators shall, to the extent possible, be aligned with industry standards and follow best practice.


For each investment the Manager shall seek, as part of a systematic and documented process, to identify and avoid, and if avoidance is not possible, mitigate and manage Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks. Where appropriate, the Manager shall engage with the investee to seek its commitment to take action to address potential gaps in current investee systems, processes, and standards, using an approach aligned with good international industry practice.

As part of portfolio management, the Manager shall monitor investees’ ESG risk and performance, and where appropriate, engage with the investee to address gaps and unexpected events.


The Manager shall use the results framework (referenced in Impact Principle 4) to monitor progress toward the achievement of positive impacts in comparison to the expected impact for each investment. Progress shall be monitored using a predefined process for sharing performance data with the investee.

To the best extent possible, this shall outline how often data will be collected; the method for data collection; data sources; responsibilities for data collection; and how, and to whom, data will be reported. When monitoring indicates that the investment is no longer expected to achieve its intended impacts, the Manager shall seek to pursue appropriate action. The Manager shall also seek to use the results framework to capture investment outcomes.


When conducting an exit, the Manager shall, in good faith and consistent with its fiduciary concerns, consider the effect which the timing, structure, and process of its exit will have on the sustainability of the impact.


The Manager shall review and document the impact performance of each investment, compare the expected and actual impact, and other positive and negative impacts, and use these findings to improve operational and strategic investment decisions, as well as management processes.


The Manager shall publicly disclose, on an annual basis, the alignment of its impact management systems with the Impact Principles and, at regular intervals, arrange for independent verification of this alignment. The conclusions of this verification report shall also be publicly disclosed. These disclosures are subject to fiduciary and regulatory concerns.

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